Defendants shall be punished by imprisonment for six months.
However, the defendant A for one year from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.
Punishment of the crime
B On September 29, 2011, the Jeju District Court sentenced two years of suspension of execution on August 7 of the same year to a violation of the Game Industry Promotion Act, etc.
1. Defendant A operated a game hall in the name of Jeju D, and Defendant B was engaged in the overall management of the game hall as an employee of the game hall.
No one shall provide the Korea Media Rating Board with things different from the contents of game products as classified.
Nevertheless, from July 22, 201 to August 18:30, 201, the Defendants provided 50 games, which are game products for the use of customers by installing 50 games, the total use of which was rated in the above game site, from July 22, 2011, and from August 25, 2011, called "e-mail function" that indicates the appearance of red diving if the pictures, such as would appear on the screen, "e-mail function"; 4-6 times per year, red divings would appear on the screen; 6-12 times per annum, if you appear on the screen; and 20-60 times per annum, if you appear on the screen, and if you appear on the screen, they cut off the number equivalent to 10 times per annum and 20 times per annum, and if you appear on the screen, they cut off the number equivalent to 10 per annum and 50 items."
As a result, the Defendants conspired to offer game products to customers for use by illegally altering the example function and meta-path function at the time of classification at the Game Rating Board.
2. Defendant E does not have a trade name on the first floor above Jeju H from September 11, 201 to September 19:40 of the same month.