(영문) 광주지방법원 2013.07.17 2013고합218



The sentence of sentence against the defendant shall be suspended.


Punishment of the crime

On November 18, 2012, the Defendant, a preliminary candidate for the 18th presidential election, was a member of the “E,” which is a pande club of D, established on September 2012, as a member of the G University E, which is held in the G University EF in Gwangju-gu, Gwangju, and continued to hold the above event.

In such cases, an election campaign, such as an election campaign, shall not be carried out before the election campaign period (from November 27, 2012 to December 18, 2012) is not in accordance with the provisions of the Public Official Election Act, and no one may use a loudspeaker system (micros, spackers, etc.) for an election campaign, except where it is used for a speech or interview at an open place or debate place under the Public Official Election Act.

Nevertheless, between November 18, 2012 and 16:54, the Defendant: (a) within the “E” event site; (b) from around 14:00 to around 16:54, the Defendant encouraged members to leave the society of the “E” member while participating in the event; and (c) caused members of the “E” to use a loudspeaker system installed therein to provide the name of D; and (d) “There are many minutes of smartphones affixed to D candidates and spread to many places; (b) Gwangju selected candidates for this paragraph; and (c) in the Republic of Korea, Gwangju would not have the right to house of the I; and (d) as Gwangju selected by the H in 202, 2012, 19 and 199 of the Republic of Korea, 19 of the Republic of Korea, “E” and 18 of the Republic of Korea.

As a result, the defendant uses a loudspeaker system for an election campaign before the election campaign period.
