(영문) 광주지방법원 2016.04.29 2016고합78



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for a period of two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

On August 201, the Defendant divorcedd on the victim C (n, 47 years of age) and around August 201, but was living together in the same subparagraph of the Seo-gu apartment complex in Gwangju-gu.

However, around February 2016, the Defendant: (a) was suspected of having other male, and (b) was frequently disputed with the victim, such as the victim’s suspicion that he is not only the other male; and (c) the Defendant was able to look at the said apartment separately from the said apartment.

1. Around 12:00 on March 14, 2016, the Defendant: (a) was aware of the male relationship of the victim; and (b) was dissatisfied with the victim’s refusal of his/her request for judgment by the victim; (c) was in possession of a net value ( approximately 40 cm in total length, No. 3) which is a dangerous object by taking advantage of the difference in the victim’s outer space; and (d) was destroyed by a fluor, etc. and intruded into the fluor, etc., by finding the said apartment.

The facts charged of this case are as follows: “The Defendant: “The Defendant: (a) possession of a watch (a total of about 40 cm, No. 3); (b) stone (a total of about 10 cm, No. 10 cm, No. 1); (c) excessive (a total of about 24 cm, 12 cm, No. 2); (b) found the above apartment; (c) destroyed the lock-out locking device and intruded into the house due to a rush, etc.; and (d) the evidence submitted by the Prosecutor submitted by the Prosecutor alone insufficient to recognize the fact that the Defendant possessed a stone in addition to the rush, and committed the crime of intrusion upon the special residence and damage to the special property of this case.” As such, it is recognized as above.

In addition, the defendant, entering the door, was in the glass room, the front door glass, the front door glass, and the living room.

42.NDTV, computers, computer monitors, computer monitors, fluor, fire powder, telephone, brick system, scoper, and softened and damaged by a small room room glass, computer body, computer monitors, computer monitors, fluor, and 5 parts of erode.g.

The defendant continued to do so with a kitchen which has been in a kitchen, and has damaged 10 times, and again, he shall go to the ward and have a view to the ward.