(영문) 광주지방법원 2015.12.02 2015고합242



The defendant shall be innocent.


1. The summary of the facts charged in the instant case is as follows: (a) from April 12, 2014, the Defendant was living together in the victim C (the age of 13) and the “D” room in the “A home” for children’s welfare facilities (hereinafter “A home”); and (b) from Apr. 12, 2014, the Defendant faced the victim, who was locked in the instant home room at night after the end of April, 2014, and was faced with a punishment without any particular reason, and the victim was able to have the Defendant aged older.

위력에 의한 추행 피고인은 2014. 4. 중순 이후 일자불상 밤 에이홈 내 방에서, 잠을 자고 있던 피해자를 깨워 피해자에게 “학교에서 네가 잘못한 일이 있다고 들었다.”라고 묻고, 피해자가 잘못한 일이 없다고 답하자, “거짓말을 하였으니 이제 네 몸은 내꺼다.”라고 말하며 피해자에게 인상을 쓰며 옷을 벗으라고 요구하여, 평소 나이 많은 피고인으로부터 괴롭힘을 당해 피고인에게 겁을 먹고 있던 피해자로 하여금 옷을 전부 벗게 하고 계속하여 피해자를 피고인의 몸 위로 올라가게 한 후 피해자에게 그의 가슴을 혀로 핥고 성기를 입으로 빨게 함으로써 위력으로 청소년인 피해자를 추행하였다.

B. (1) Around April 2014, the Defendant committed the crime of similarity by force (i) around April 2014, 2014, said that the Defendant shouldered the victim who was divingd and was locked at the home room in the night of the day and night after the order of April 2014, and exceeded his clothes.

As stated in the port, the victim, who was frightened by the defendant, exceeded his clothes and put his sexual organ into the victim's resistance, was similar to the juvenile victim by force.

(2) around May 2014, the Defendant committed the crime: (a) at home room at night on May 2014, 2014, the Defendant shouldered the victim who was divingd and was off her clothes to write down the victim’s appearance; and (b) Ga.

As described in the port, the defendant is frightening to the nearest.