(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2013.05.09 2013노619



The judgment below

The guilty portion shall be reversed.

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for six months.

provided that this ruling has become final and conclusive.


1. Summary of grounds for appeal;

A. The defendant (misunderstanding of facts as to the part of the charge and misunderstanding of legal principles) (1) The article posted by the defendant is not all false.

(A) Although the Defendant posted a notice to the effect that “The fishermen, after the New and Han-Japan Agreement on November 28, 1998, she had been engaged in wald but they would have been the victims at the time,” the lower court found the Defendant guilty of this part on the ground that the Defendant posted the fishing vessels to the effect that “the victims would have sent the fishing vessels free of charge to North Korea without any condition.”

(B) At the time, the victim did not designate the “domination” as a prohibited rice, but this part is a minor part in light of the overall purport and context of the writing posted by the Defendant, as well as the measures taken by the victim with respect to Dokdo at the time.

(C) From the past, there were many victims of acts in concert with North Korea, and even at the time of the president’s holding office, North Korea provided astronomical funds and materials to North Korea. While North Korea developed nuclear and material, at the time, the victims “North Korea did not have the ability to develop nuclear power, and North Korea would be responsible for developing nuclear power.” The victims were pointed out that North Korea’s nuclear and material left in the Republic of Korea, thereby endangering our security, and the victims were trying to transfer to North Korea.

(D) The 518 Gwangju case-related writing and the content of the 518 Gwangju case-related writing and the paper of the vehicle are "518 substance of the sound morale," published in Japan, i.e., the e., the e., the e., the e., the e., the e., the e., the e., the e., the e., the e., the e., the e., the e., the e., the e., the e., the e., the