(영문) 대전지방법원천안지원 2020.10.12 2020고단442




A Imprisonment with prison labor for ten months, for six months, for six months, and for four months, for each of the defendants C.

except that this shall not apply.


Punishment of the crime

No person shall employ any foreigner having no status of sojourn eligible for employment activities in the Republic of Korea, arrange the employment of such foreigner, nor place him/her under his/her control for the purpose of arranging the employment of such foreigner, and shall not receive a foreigner's passport or foreigner registration certificate as a means of securing a contract for employment or fulfillment of an obligation.

1. On October 2017, Defendants A and B conspired to receive and keep a foreigner’s passport in order to arrange domestic employment of foreigners who did not have the status of stay to work in the Republic of Korea between themselves and those who did not have the status of stay to work in the Republic of Korea (hereinafter “D”), to receive and distribute the payment for employment mediation from foreigners, and to secure the receipt of the payment for employment mediation from foreigners.

According to the above invitation for foreign employment broker, a person in poor name (hereinafter “D”) had a person who was born to enter the Republic of Korea for illegal employment in the Republic of Korea enter the Republic of Korea, and Defendant B sent his personal information, date of entry, etc. from a person in poor name (hereinafter “D”), to Defendant A. Defendant A sent his personal information, date of entry, etc. on October 4, 2017. Defendant A sent his personal information, date of entry, etc. to Defendant A. Defendant A: (a) was placed at an express bus terminal in Suwon-si, where Defendant B did not have the status of stay eligible for visa exemption (B-1) and to work in the Republic of Korea; (b) was placed on the vehicle; (c) was placed in the vehicle in the vehicle; and (d) was placed in the G in the Y in the Y in the cheon-gu, Seocheon-gu, Gangwon-gu, Seoul; and (d)

As a result, the Defendants are employed by foreigners who do not have the status of sojourn eligible for employment in the Republic of Korea in collusion with the name-free box(D).