(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2014.11.20 2014가단5206801



1. The Defendants jointly and severally against the Plaintiff KRW 82,471,025 and KRW 42,577,029 among them:

A. Defendant A on September 12, 2014


1. The description of the grounds for the claim shall be as specified in the attached Form;

(However, ‘creditor' is considered as ‘Plaintiff', and ‘debtor' as ‘Defendant'). 2. Grounds

(a) Defendant B: Judgment based on the recommendation of confession (Articles 208(3)2 and 150(3) of the Civil Procedure Act);

(b) Defendant A: Judgment by public notice (Article 208 (3) 3 and Article 194 of the Civil Procedure Act);