(영문) 대전지방법원 2015.09.18 2014구단1005

요양불승인처분취소와 장해등급처분취소


1. The Defendant’s disposition of determining a disability grade against the Plaintiff on January 21, 2014 is revoked.

2. The plaintiff's remainder.


1. Details of the disposition;

A. On April 18, 201, the Plaintiff was born, and was employed as C factory production team members by becoming a member of AJ Co., Ltd. on his/her part.

나. 원고는 2013. 6. 3. 피고에게 "2011년 4월 입사하여 주업무는 제품현황업무로 약 3개월 정도 하였음. 같은 해 8월쯤 회사 작업량이 줄어 회사 지시하에 용역업체가 하는 주업무인 제품포장업무를 하게 되었음. 평균 15~20kg의 제품을 포장하는 업무를 1주씩 교대로 번갈아가며 하였음. 1주 업무교대를 계속하던 중 2012. 10. 23. 저울에 올려진 30kg의 제품을 나르며 포장하던 중 허리를 삐끗하였고 통증이 나아지지 않아 한의원, 정형외과를 다니며 물리치료를 받았음. 허리통증을 계속 갖고 일하던 중 2013년 3월 말일경 목과 어깨에 통증이 같이 오게 되어 D병원에서 목과 허리에 추간판 탈출증이라는 진단이 나오게 되었음. 그 후

5.2. 6 weeks sick leave were hospitalized at the same time, and he was hospitalized at a university hospital. He/she has to do so. While he/she has to do so, he/she has to do so, he/she applied for the first medical care benefits for “the escape certificate of a protruding signboard between the fourth and fifth trends, and the escape certificate of a protruding signboard between the fifth and the fifth-6.” (c) On July 25, 2013, the Defendant confirmed that there was a proximate causal link between the Plaintiff on the ground that the injury was confirmed, such as the observation of the escape of a protruding signboard between the fourth and fifth trends under the MRI by the 4-5th century, and that there was a fact that there was a little causal link between the work and the work performed on the part of a protruding body, such as hunding or bending, etc. in terms of the content of the work before the outbreak.

On the other hand, the escape certificate of a conical signboard at the end of 5-6 is not confirmed by the fact that the escape from a conical change, such as the disc change between the 5-6 and the 5-6 of the MRI, and the fact that the escape from a conical signboard continues to be verified, such as excessive lodging in terms of the work process prior to the outbreak, or milching behind, etc.