(영문) 수원지방법원 안산지원 2017.06.15 2016고단2901



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.


Criminal facts

1. On April 17, 2016, the Defendant violated the Act on the Aggravated Punishment, etc. of Specific Crimes (Death and Injury caused by danger) and the Road Traffic Act (hereinafter “Road Traffic Act”) led the Defendant to the Silver elementary school on the side of the military, while under the influence of alcohol concentration of 0.144% in blood on the roads B before Silung-si, Seoul Special Metropolitan City (B) around 08:50 on April 17, 2016.

At the same time, frequent houses of pedestrians were parked on the right side of the direction, and thus, the driver took an occupational duty of care to prevent accidents by putting on the right side of the front side and operating the steering and brakes accurately, while neglecting this duty, the Defendant, while neglecting his duty of care, putting the part of the front part of the left side of the vehicle of the Defendant, which was parked on the left side of the vehicle of the victim F, which was parked on the front side of the vehicle of the Defendant, and kid with the front part of the vehicle of the victim F, which was parked on the front side of the above rocketing or other car, and kid by the back part of the vehicle of the victim H as the rear part of the vehicle of the victim h to the left side of the left side of the vehicle of the Defendant, and the back part of the vehicle of the victim 4 and the rear part of the pedestrian body of the victim h (the left side of the pedestrian body of the victim 9).

Ultimately, the Defendant driving a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol that is difficult to drive in a normal manner, resulting in injury to the victim J by driving the motor vehicle for four weeks, and at the same time, damaged the said motor vehicle owned by the victim D to have a repair cost of KRW 656,148, and damaged the said motor vehicle to have a repair cost of KRW 9,915,100. The Defendant damaged the said motor vehicle owned by the victim H to have a repair cost of KRW 986,015.

2. Violation of traffic laws on roads, and violation of traffic laws on roads;