(영문) 인천지방법원부천지원 2015.04.22 2014가합344

부당이득금 반환


1. The defendant shall pay 265,00,000 won to the plaintiff and 20% per annum from December 14, 2013 to the day of complete payment.


1. Facts of recognition;

A. The Defendant committed the Defendant’s fraud gambling with C, D, E, F (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Defendant’s daily gambling”), but it is easy to use the victim who does not know that he was aware of the detailed property, and turn the victim into the gambling box in advance by using water, or by distributing the paint that he intended by using the hand technology only to Defendant’s daily gambling, with the intent of receiving money. The Defendant used the money by advertising the gambling place, providing gambling funds, or directly using the hand-on techniques, and used the hand-on techniques, and C took the role of making the fraud gambling, and C took the role of lending money to the victim, and D took the role of raising money for gambling, and D took the role of raising money to the victim, referring to “snick snicking”, ef, and knicking the victim to the Plaintiff’s participation in the gambling box by using the hand-on techniques to share the money from the Plaintiff’s participation in the gambling.

1) The instant primary fraud gambling in the Seocho Griart (hereinafter “instant primary fraud gambling”).

) 피고 일행들은 2011. 10. 초순 09:00경부터 15:00경까지 속초시 H에 있는 G리조트에서, D이 G콘도에 바람이나 쐬러 가자고 하면서 유인해 온 원고와 함께 화투 50장을 이용하여 3점에 1만 원을 기본으로 하여 1점 추가시마다 2만 원 내지 3만 원을 지급하는 한편 기본으로 10만 원 씩을 걸고 돼지가 그려져 있는 7월, 10짜리 화투패(이하 ‘돼지 화투패’라 한다

) A 70-year male male (one person I am on board) under the name of the Defendant (one man) who was on board, operated a stop saw in a manner that only distributes the stop to the Defendant’s work using hand technology, while making a stop saw, while having a stop to the Defendant’s work.

The plaintiff borrowed a total of KRW 65 million from C in the above gambling, but has lost it in full, and the above borrowed money from C.