(영문) 울산지방법원 2018.09.14 2018고단837



[Defendant A] The imprisonment with prison labor for the crime No. 1-A and B in the judgment of Defendant A, and the fine for the crime No. 2 in the judgment of the court below.


Punishment of the crime


A on June 27, 2017, after being sentenced to a suspended sentence of four months for special intimidation by the Ulsan District Court, for the same year.

7. 5. The judgment became final and conclusive.

1. "2018 Highest 837";

A. On December 10, 2017, at the main point of “E located in Ulsan-gu, Ulsan-gu, U.S. on the part of the Defendants: (a) the Defendant F, an employee, was prevented from smoking tobacco within the said main point; (b) the Defendant was breading the victim’s face by “the victim’s face” while having the victim pushed the victim, and (c) Defendant A was frighted with the wall of the said main point; and (d) the Defendant A had the customer, who had been on the main point of the instant main point, directed him to the main point.

As a result, the Defendants conspired to interfere with the victim's main business by force.

B. Defendant A, at the same date and time as indicated in the above paragraph 1, suffered injury on the part of the victim, such as thale, knee, knee, knenee, knee, knee, knee, knee, knee, and knee, knee, on the part of the victim’s head. Defendant A, at the same time and at the same place as indicated in the above paragraph 1, suffered injury to the victim, such as thale, dnee, dnee, dume, dume, dume, etc., in need of medical treatment for about 14 days.



B, at the same time and place as described in the above paragraph 1, the victim H, along with the above G, destroyed the above Defendant’s resistance, and destroyed the spawn disease, which is a dangerous object, and used the spawn disease, and assaulted the victim, intending to fladize the dul and the victim’s spathn disease.

2. "2018 Highest 935".

(a) not receive interest exceeding 25 per annum, which is the highest interest rate under the contract for lending and borrowing of money in violation of the Interest Limitation Act;

Nevertheless, Defendant A lent KRW 5 million to the I (J after the opening of the name) around July 16, 2015 and received interest of KRW 120% per annum from that time until October 26, 2016.