(영문) 인천지방법원 2016.02.05 2015노3917



The defendant's appeal is dismissed.


1. The defendant of the grounds for appeal does not inflict any injury on the victim as stated in the judgment below.

2. The following circumstances acknowledged by the evidence duly adopted and examined by the court below and the court below, namely, ① the victim flabing in the investigation agency and the court below at the fifth floor “E main shop” at the time of the instant case: (a) the victim flabing alcohol at the investigation agency and the court below at the court below: (b) flabing in the fiveth floor “E main shop”; and (c) flabing in his flab with C, blabing his flabing, and blabing in his flab; and (d) the Defendant flabing the elevator on the second floor of the instant building; (b) flabing in the elevator with flabing with flabing and flabing his face; and (c) flabing the Defendant’s head with flabing and flabing the victim’s head at the time of the instant case; and (c) flabing the victim’s head debt at the investigation agency and court;

We find it difficult to find out the circumstances, ④ the content of the diagnosis of injury written by doctor Q, ⑤ The J, from the trial court of the first instance, whether there is a dispute between C and the victim due to the Defendant’s daily behavior at the time of the instant case, and as the Defendant is waiting to get off the first floor together with the Defendant, the Defendant was waiting to get off the third floor, and thus, he went to another place together with the Defendant.

However, in light of the relationship between J and the defendant, etc., it is difficult to reject the credibility of each of the above statements made by the victim and I, in full view of the fact that the defendant's dong line alleged by J is too different from each of the co-offenders of this case, the victim, I, and the defendant stated in the investigative agency or the court of original instance.