(영문) 수원지방법원성남지원 2017.10.27 2016가합987

소유권이전등기말소 등


1. Defendant B:

(a) The Suwon District Court shall assist Suwon District Court with respect to real estate listed in Schedule 1 1. and 2.


1. Basic facts

A. The seller of a real estate sales contract entered into with the Plaintiff and Defendant B: The buyer (the father E of the Plaintiff’s representative): the sale price and payment method under Article 2 (Sale Price, etc.) of the Plaintiff B shall be determined as follows:

(1) The purchase price shall be 50,000,000 won.

(2) A contract bond shall be KRW 100,000,000, which shall be paid by a buyer to a seller simultaneously with this contract.

(3) The intermediate payment shall be KRW 50,000,000, which shall be paid by the buyer to the seller on January 2, 2014.

(after the completion of the registration of transfer of land ownership) The seller withdraws the progress of auction at the FF Treasury as an intermediate payment, and when this case is proceeding, the buyer shall pay the loan to the seller after financing work in the name of the buyer

(4) Any balance shall be paid by the buyer to the seller until March 2014, with the amount of KRW 400,000,000, which is paid by the buyer to the seller.

Article 3 (Registration of Ownership Transfer, etc.) (1) The seller shall keep all documents concerning the delivery of the sale goods and the registration of transfer of ownership, etc. in custody of G to a certified judicial scrivener with the payment of the down payment from the buyer of the purchase price, and provide the buyer or his/her designated person with cooperation in the procedure of registration of ownership transfer.

(2) A seller shall transfer the ownership of land and change the name of a project owner to a purchaser simultaneously with a contract, and the purchaser shall also prepare and keep opposite documents thereto.

The end part of buildings subject to special agreement: The buyer shall be responsible for the remaining construction cost under the present condition.

On December 16, 2014, the Plaintiff and Defendant B concluded a sales contract with respect to each of the lands listed in 1. and 2 annexed Table 1, as well as the buildings under construction on the ground thereof (hereinafter “each of the instant lands”) and each of the instant buildings.
