(영문) 광주지방법원 해남지원 2016.09.01 2016고단18



A person shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor for ten months and by imprisonment for two months with prison labor for the crimes of No. 3 as stated in the judgment of the defendant.


Punishment of the crime

[criminal power] ① On August 17, 201, the Defendant was sentenced to imprisonment for one year and six months with labor for fraud, etc. in the Gwangju District Court’s branch on August 17, 201, and completed the enforcement of the sentence in the Yeongdeungpo Prison on August 12, 2012. ② On November 21, 2014, the Defendant was sentenced to one year of imprisonment with labor for fraud in the Gwangju District Court’s wooden branch on February 11, 2015, and was dismissed by the Gwangju District Court on February 24, 2015, and completed the enforcement of the sentence on September 15, 2015.

【Criminal Facts】

"2016 Highest 18"

1. Around November 8, 2012, the criminal defendant against the victim C made a false statement to the victim’s E farming association office operated by the victim C in Jeonnam-gun, Namnam-gun, that “F viewing through the person who works as the director in charge in F viewing, the Defendant would pay the test vehicles and expenses to the F viewing.”

However, at the time of fact, the defendant did not have the intention or ability to let the victim supply a fright to the F viewing, such as being unaware of the person working as the director in the F viewing.

As such, the Defendant, by deceiving the victim, received from the victim the above temporary cash of KRW 1,350,000,000 from the victim, and received a G rocketing car of KRW 12,50,000 at the market price, and acquired the property from the victim in total amount of KRW 1,935,00 from the above temporary to November 15, 2012, as shown in the annexed crime list.

2. On November 2012, 2012, the Defendant made a false statement to the victim that “The Defendant would acquire 100,000 won from the victim’s “ will acquire 10,000 won on the face of 10,000 won on the face of 10,000 won on the face of 10,000 won on the face of 10,000 won on the face of 10,000 won on the face of 10,000 won on the face of 10,000 won on the face of 20,000 won on the face of 20,000 won on the face of 20,000 won on the face of 20,000 won on the face of 20,000 won on the face
