(영문) 창원지방법원 2015.10.29 2015노2077



All appeals filed by the defendant and prosecutor are dismissed.


1. The defendant asserts that the summary of the grounds for appeal is unfair because the punishment sentenced by the court below is too unreasonable (ten months of imprisonment), and the prosecutor asserts that the above punishment is too uneased and unreasonable.

2. It is recognized that the Defendant recognized the instant crime and reflected the mistake.

However, considering the fact that the Defendant had been punished several times for the same kind of crime in the past, and the Defendant committed the instant crime even if he had been punished for repeated crime due to the same crime, and that there was no submission of particular data on the victim’s recovery from damage up to the trial court, and that the Defendant escaped during the trial of the lower court, etc., considering the circumstances unfavorable to the Defendant, such as the Defendant’s age, character and behavior, environment, motive and background of the crime, means and method of the crime, and circumstances that are the conditions for sentencing as indicated in the instant arguments and records, it is not recognized that the sentence imposed by the lower court is too heavy or unreasonable, taking into account the following circumstances:

3. The appeal filed by the defendant and the prosecutor in conclusion are without merit, and all of them are dismissed. It is so decided as per Disposition.