(영문) 서울남부지방법원 2018.11.28 2018고단4851



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.

Seized evidence No. 1 shall be forfeited from the defendant.


(2) On June 30, 2016, the Defendant was sentenced to two years of imprisonment with prison labor for a crime of fire prevention, etc. of general goods at the Seoul Southern District Court (Seoul Southern District Court) and completed the execution of the sentence in the lawsuit of the second intersection of the North Korean Branch on April 21, 2018.

[2018 Highest 4851]

1. A special intimidation: (a) on August 21, 2018, the Defendant: (b) around 21:45, when the Defendant was living in Yangcheon-gu, Seoul * Gosiwon: (c) from the victim C (the remaining and the age of 61) residing in the said Gosiwon on the same day, the Defendant saw the words “I would early change if I live in the same place as many people; (d) I would be able to get aboard the elevator; (c) I would put the elevator wall on the elevator by the Defendant; and (d) I would am the victim’s face with knife and die the knife.

In other words, considering the attitude that the victim seems to have any harm to the life or body of the victim, the victim was threatened.

[2018 Highest 5425]

2. The Defendant of intimidation, around July 26, 2018, at E Publication Board located in Yangcheon-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government, on July 21:10, 2018, will be released from the total victim F (73 tax, female) of the victim F (if any, at the time of these weather years, discarded down, dead, dead, and released from the window.

" ...." and the victim was threatened.

3. Around 20:55 on the same day as Paragraph 2, the Defendant obstructed the victim’s duty to operate the Gowon by force by avoiding disturbance for about 45 minutes, such as leaving the victim a large amount of interest, such as the victim’s above, and threatening the victim, as the victim would scam.

[2018 Highest 5703]

4. On July 3, 2018, around 19:00, the Defendant damaged property: (a) on the fourth floor of E Public Notice Board located in Yangcheon-gu Seoul, Yangcheon-gu, Seoul; (b) on the fourth floor of E Public Notice Board, in which soil was collected from the victim F owned in that location without any reason, and (c) has been accumulated into the floor.

As such, the Defendant destroyed the damaged portion owned by the victim whose market price is unknown.

5. The Defendant who intrudes upon his/her residence on July 3, 2018, at around 22:00, the victim H of the five-story E Gowon G in Yangcheon-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government.