(영문) 대구지방법원 2015.07.10 2015노1298



The defendant's appeal is dismissed.


1. The sentence imposed by the lower court (two years of imprisonment) on the summary of the grounds for appeal is too unreasonable.

2. In the judgment of the court of first instance, the defendant made a confession of all the crimes of this case and reflects the truth while making a mistake; the public document (a report on investigation cooperation) stating that the defendant reported two other narcotics-related criminal to an investigation agency was submitted to the court below; the defendant's family members want to take the defendant's prior actions; however, in light of the addiction to narcotics and the harm caused by medication of narcotics, it is necessary to strictly punish and eradicate the crimes of this case; the defendant has the record of criminal punishment 11 times of criminal punishment by repeatedly committing the same crimes since 1996; the defendant was sentenced to imprisonment with prison labor for two years on June 14, 201; the defendant committed the crimes of this case in this case without being aware of the repeated crime during the period of his release; the result of the evaluation of the conspiracy appears to be less than that of the defendant's cellphone addiction in light of the fact that the defendant's family members want to take the defendant's prior action; the defendant's statement and text message of this case from the court below's prompt sentencing guidelines for the crime of this case.

Recommendations for basic crimes (basic areas, aggravated factors - previous and previous crimes within three years, mitigation factors - important investigation cooperation): Imprisonment for not more than one year to two years, 1, and 2: the administration, simple possession, etc., of the drug crime group (fab).

Recommendations for concurrent crimes (basic areas, aggravated factors - previous areas within three years, mitigation factors - important investigative cooperation: imprisonment of up to 10 months to 2 years, and by aggravating multiple crimes.