(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2019.05.28 2015가합530787



1. Of the instant conjunctive claim, each real estate listed in [Attachment 1, 2, and 6] List of Real Estate Claim No. 1 against Defendant 1.


1. Basic facts

A. The plaintiff is a clan consisting of descendants who jointly set up CFD residing in the B B in the Sungsung-si.

B. Each real estate listed in paragraphs 1 through 6 of the list of real estate in the attached Form Nos. 1 and 2 of the attached Table Nos. 1 and 5 of the real estate list Nos. 1 and 2 of the attached Table Nos. 9, Sept. 9, 1915, shall be indicated as the real estate E, F, G, H, I, J, E, F, H, H, the real estate listed in Paragraph 6 of the attached Table No. 1 of the real estate list Nos. 1 and 5 of the attached Table Nos. 5, E, I, K, L, F, and H, respectively, on September 9, 1915.

(hereinafter referred to as “E, etc.”) the above-mentioned persons:

The defendant Republic of Korea completed the registration of ownership preservation on the real estate stated in paragraph (1) of the attached list of real estate in the attached Form No. 51734 of April 18, 2006, the Suwon District Court of 46063 of April 11, 2005, and paragraph (2) of the attached Table No. 51738 of the same registry office with respect to the real estate listed in paragraph (3) of the attached Table No. 51734 of the same registry office with respect to the real estate listed in paragraph (4) of the attached Table No. 51736 of April 18, 2006, and the registration of ownership preservation on the real estate listed in paragraph (5) of the attached Table No. 51737 of April 18, 206, as to the real estate listed in paragraph (6) of the attached Table No. 51735 of the same registry office with respect to the real estate listed in paragraph (6) of the attached Table No. 6 of the same registry office.

E, etc. died on each of the following dates, and the specific inheritance relationship is as listed in the attached Table 1 through 11 of co-ownership shares, and the remaining Defendants except the Defendant Republic of Korea (hereinafter “final inheritor”) in the following table are as listed in the following table: Defendant 2 through 35, 66 through 72 of the attached Table 1 of co-ownership shares on January 10, 1924, as stated in the attached Table 2 of the co-ownership shares of Defendant 36 through 43 G 43 on September 11, 1924, as stated in the attached Table 3 of co-ownership shares of Defendant 44 through 524 HH on October 10, 1932 as indicated in the attached Table 3 of co-ownership shares of Defendant 3 on March 20, 1921.