(영문) 서울동부지방법원 2014.11.13 2014노1098



The defendant's appeal is dismissed.


1. The summary of the grounds for appeal is that the defendant has a claim for benefits equivalent to approximately KRW 180 million against the victim C, the victim C has returned KRW 28 million under the pretext of profit, the victim E with no criminal records except for fines of KRW 500,000 as a result of the crime of injury, and the defendant has recognized, depth and reflects the crime of this case, and has fulfilled its obligation to the victims. In light of the fact that the defendant has a claim for benefits equivalent to KRW 180,000 against the victim C, the punishment imposed by the court below is too unreasonable (two years of imprisonment).

2. The following facts are favorable circumstances in sentencing: (a) the Defendant’s judgment was examined; (b) the Defendant recognized all of the facts charged in the instant case and reflects the depth thereof; and (c) the Defendant has no specific criminal power, other than a single fine, etc.

그러나 피해자들 중 C는 80세에 가까운 고령인 점, 피해자들이 모녀관계로 피고인이 피해자들로부터 편취한 전체 액수가 4억이 넘고, 피해자들이 여윳돈이 아니라 대출을 받거나 재산을 처분하는 등으로 마련하여 교부한 돈인 점, 피고인이 주장하는 급여채권의 존재 여부가 불분명하고, 당심에 이르기까지 피해가 거의 회복되지 않은 점, 피해자들이 피고인의 엄벌을 탄원하고 있는 점, 그 밖에 피고인의 나이, 성행, 환경, 범행의 동기, 수단과 결과, 범행 후의 정황 등을 종합하면, 피고인이 주장하는 유리한 사정들을 모두 감안하더라도 원심이 선고한 형이 파기되어야 할 정도로 지나치게 무거워서 부당하다고 판단되지 않는다.

The defendant's assertion of unfair sentencing is without merit.

3. Accordingly, the defendant's appeal is dismissed in accordance with Article 364 (4) of the Criminal Procedure Act on the grounds that the appeal by the defendant is groundless. It is so decided as per Disposition