(영문) 수원지방법원 2016.09.29 2016노2209



The defendant's appeal is dismissed.


1. Although there is a fact that the Defendant’s sexual flag in a village bus has contacted the victim E several times, there was an inevitable physical contact that occurred due to the movement of the bus or the movement of E, and there was no intentional indecent act of the Defendant on the part of the CCTV installed on the bus, even in CCTV installed on the bus.

Nevertheless, the lower court found the Defendant guilty of the instant charges on the grounds of the statement of the victim E without credibility, etc., thereby misunderstanding the facts and adversely affecting the judgment.

2. The following circumstances that can be recognized by the evidence duly adopted and investigated by the lower court, namely, the victim E, from the investigative agency to the court of the lower court, to the following circumstances: (i) the victim E, from the investigative agency to the court of the lower court, did not have to the extent that he/she would have closely adhered to

The Defendant returned back to his her her mar, her mar, and almost sealed the body of his mar. As the Defendant’s mar, “Isk, Iskn't have any her mar, Iskn's mar, Iskn't have any mar, Iskn's mar, Isn's mar, Isn's mar, Iskn's mar.” The Defendant’s mar, "Iskn't have any mar mar

The defect stated that “I have to make an appraisal at that time,” and that “I have to do so at that time.”

In four times the face of the Defendant was taken by a mobile phone camera, the Defendant took her face like a police box, and she saw the Defendant to go off from the bus, and the Defendant repeated three to four times the phrase “There is no evidence to sworn.” in the process, the Defendant 3 to four times.

“The Defendant made the statement as “..... there are no special circumstances in which the statement is consistent, specific and false, and the Defendant’s sexual intercourse in the police investigation process.”