(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2016.02.26 2015고단2355




A shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor for four months, and by a fine of two million won.


B The above fine shall not be paid.


Punishment of the crime

Defendant A is a member of a labor law firm, who is a member of the company belonging to the labor law firm.

A. On June 19, 2014, the National Democratic Labor Roster held a second national conference and a senior conference claiming the fact-finding and the prohibition of privatization, etc. on June 28, 2014 through the participation of about 10,000 members, citizens, etc. of affiliated organizations, citizens, etc. from June 19, 2014 to June 20: (a) held a second national conference and a senior conference; and (b) two-lanes along the direction-setting of the flow-setting square of the Cheong River Roster up to two-lanes of the Cheong River Roster up to the Cheong River Pool square of the Cheong River Ro-gu Committee on Human Rights.

On June 28, 2014, around 17:10, organizations such as the National Democratic Labor first-class Federation, the National Farmers' Association, and the National Public Officials' Union were participating in the second national conference, and the assembly was completed in which approximately 4,00 participants were increased by approximately 17:40 participants, and approximately 3,000 participants began to participate in the second national conference.

The defendant 1, as above, was present at the meeting of the second national conference, around 3,00 and around 18:10 and occupied eight lanes prior to the end of each 18:10 square street, and was unable to communicate with all vehicles in the direction of the last 50 minutes for 19:00, such as those who use the kicket in which rescue operations are stated, such as I leaving the kicket.

Accordingly, the defendant conspired with approximately 3,00 participants in the assembly and interfered with the traffic of the land for about 50 minutes.

B. The Defendant violated the Assembly and Demonstration Act, at the same time and place as the preceding paragraph, did not immediately dissolve the Defendant, despite the receipt of the second dispersion order around 18:27, the first dispersion order around 18:30, the second dispersion order around 18:37, and the third dispersion order around 18:37, on the ground that he/she was ordered to do so by the chief of the guard division and the chief of the guard division delegated by the head of the Seoul Southern-ro Police Station to the effect that order cannot be maintained due to the above act.

Accordingly, the defendant did not comply with the dispersion order of the police.