(영문) 부산지방법원 2015.06.04 2015고단1615



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than eight months.


Punishment of the crime

"2015 Highest 1615"

1. On March 18, 2015, at least 04:40 on March 18, 2015, the Defendant: (a) cut off the victim’s cash 1,000 won, Chinese currency 100 pages; and (b) three copies of the physical card, which contain 140,000 won in the market price, and 61 telephone flives equivalent to 700,000,000 won in the market price.

2. The Defendant, at the time and place of the above paragraph 1, acted as if he would normally pay the PC fee, and used the computer.

However, the defendant did not have the intention or ability to pay the PC fee.

As such, the Defendant: (a) by deceiving the victim E, who is an employee of the said PC; and (b) by using the said PC computer, did not pay KRW 10,500 for usage fees; and (c) acquired the same amount of

On December 3, 2014, the Defendant, "2295," was sentenced to a suspended sentence of two years at the Suwon District Court to imprisonment for fraud, etc. on December 3, 2014, and is currently pending in the appellate trial. On March 30, 2015, the Defendant was not detained due to fraud, etc. at the Busan District Court and is pending in the trial.

At around 20:00 on February 22, 2015, the Defendant: (a) stolen the Victim H, who was a customer, from “G” room located in Suwon-gu, Busan, with one cellphone in the test color, which is equivalent to KRW 800,000,000 in the market price owned by the victim, who was locked, and was locked.

"2015 Highest 2505"

1. The Defendant was guilty from around April 12, 2015 to around 20:30.

4. From 05:00 up to 13.05, from the point of Busan Southern-gu, the victim JJ operated by the victim JJ on the 13th floor of Busan-gu, operated the PC bank as if it were to pay the PC fee, and used a computer installed at that point.

Accordingly, the defendant deceivings the victim and pays 12,500 won to the computer using the computer as above.