A Imprisonment with prison labor for two years, for one year and four months, and for one year and one year, for Defendant C, respectively.
except that this shall not apply.
Punishment of the crime
Even if the Defendants were not the authorized person handling narcotics, the Defendants dealt with marijuana as follows.
1. Defendant A
A. On July 23, 2018, the Defendant purchased 70,000 won in cash from Gangnam-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government D, and purchased 70,000 won in cash, in collusion with E, as described in attached Table 1 (A’s purchase of marijuana) from around that time to April 20, 2019, either independently or in collusion with B, for a total of 21 times from that time to around 20, 2019.
B. On July 23, 2018, the Defendant smoked marijuana over a total of 22 occasions from around that time to May 2, 2019, as indicated in the attached Table 2 (A), including: (a) inserting marijuana in the pipe made by the stuffing paper at the domicile of the Defendant F building in Gangnam-gu Seoul and the Defendant’s dwelling; and (b) smoking in the pipe made by the stuffing paper with a smoke attached thereto; and (c) smoking in the same manner as indicated in the attached Table 2 (A’s smoking in marijuana).
2. Defendant B
A. On September 10, 2018, the Defendant purchased 1 million won in cash with A from Gangnam-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government D, and purchased 7g of marijuana from E, as indicated in attached Table 3 (B’s purchase of marijuana) from around that time to November 2018, the Defendant purchased 16g of marijuana solely or in collusion with A, for three times more than three times from that time to November 2018, as indicated in attached Table 3 (B’s purchase of marijuana).
B. On January 2, 2018, the Defendant smoked marijuana more than six times in total from around the time to November 22, 2018, as indicated in the attached Table 4 (B), including: (a) the Defendant, at the night in Gangnam-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government H building and the Defendant’s residence; (b) putting the marith in a paper; and (c) smoking in a manner that makes the marith by putting the marith in a fla; and (d) putting the marith in a flaf with a fluen
C. On November 23, 2018, the Defendant: (a) around 04:25, 2018, at the front of Gangnam-gu Seoul, sent a 112-report that the Defendant scambling to his cams; and (b) carried the scam of the Seoul Gangnam-gu Police Station, the Defendant cambling the chest by hand against the patrolmen belonging to the Seoul Gangnam-gu Police Station, who called the Defendant.