(영문) 서울남부지방법원 2017.11.09 2017노1800



The defendant's appeal is dismissed.


1. Summary of grounds for appeal;

A. The Defendant, as a misunderstanding of facts, did not look at the victims in a dispute with the victim F.

The lower court found the Defendant guilty on the sole basis of the testimony of the witnesses without credibility, thereby erroneous in the facts charged.

B. The punishment of the lower court (six months of imprisonment) is too unreasonable.

2. Determination

A. In full view of the following facts and circumstances revealed by the evidence duly admitted and investigated by the lower court on the part of the allegation of facts, the Defendant could sufficiently recognize that the victims were assaulted.

The judgment of the court below to the same purport is just, and there is no error by mistake of facts.

The victim D consistently stated in the court below and the investigative agency as follows.

On November 6, 2016, the Defendant 10: (a) around 10:00 p.m., followed by the victim’s singing in the Esing practice room, and (b) around 10:00s.

In the office of the injured party, the defendant entered, and francing the fat of the injured party and led the defendant to sing.

F. F. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. T. F. F. F. F. F. F.

The victim F also consistently stated in the court below and in the investigative agency as follows, which conforms to the victim D's statements.

The victim was satising D and coffee in a singing room. However, the defendant entered a singing room and led D's satching.

The defendant sing a large sound in the room where the defendant sing the victim followed, and the defendant sing down the part of D with his arms.

Since the injured person was the only one of the defendants, the defendant was pushed down with dubs of the victim and was pushed down with the wall.

The victim has attempted to flee and reported to 112.

The defendant goes through a room in which the victim D ssing the defendant in an investigative agency.