(영문) 대구지방법원 김천지원 2013.09.26 2013고단1035



[Defendant A and B] Defendants shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor for up to eight months.

However, for two years from the date this judgment became final and conclusive, Defendant B.


Punishment of the crime

1. Defendant A and Defendant B’s co-principaled Defendants conspired to steals with each other by a method of cutting off, without calculating high-priced mountain ties between husband and wife around January 2013, and on the same year.

7. From 14:20 to 14:20 to 10, the victim E entered a home flusing shop managed by 1043-11 where shopping is carried out, Defendant A entered four mountain flusing agents with no theft prevention flusium in the powder store, put a flusing four mountain flusium in the alley shopping mall without a camera, put the flus, put the flus in flus, put the flus, and continuously put the flus at the place where the said shopping car is located, and Defendant B prepared four mountain flusium in advance with four mountain flusium flusium and calculated other goods from the calculation unit, without calculating the above mountain flusium flusium 219,600 won, and entered the flusium flusium 205 to 2018.48.718.208.7187.2018.

As a result, the defendants stolen the victims' property together.

2. Defendant C is a person who, from around 2008, is engaged in the business of resale of oil and diapers, etc. purchased at low prices through Internet sale, etc. from the next car page “F” to the above carpets.

around 15:00 on July 23, 2013, the Defendant received phone calls from the Defendant’s house located in Mapo-si G Apartment 202 205 dong 205, and then purchased 15 mountain milk 15 out of 823,50 won at the market price owned by the victim E, etc., who was stolen by B and A as above.

In such cases, the defendant who is engaged in online sales of milk, etc. shall confirm the personal information B and A.