(영문) 청주지방법원 충주지원 2012.09.18 2012고단796




C and D Imprisonment for 10 months, Defendant B and J respectively with prison labor for 8 months, Defendant E, F, G, H, K, and M for 6 months, respectively.


Punishment of the crime


A. From 18 December 18, 2009, A Co., Ltd. established for the purpose of inland water transportation and domestic travel of its office; from 2009, Defendant B works as the captain of the above corporation; Defendant C works as the captain of the above U (54 metric tons) from 206 to 3; Defendant C is concurrently responsible for the prevention of environmental pollution related to all vessels; Defendant D is responsible for the maintenance, management and repair of the vessel from 200 to 20.4; Defendant B is responsible for the above maintenance and repair of the vessel from 200 to 20.4; Defendant E works as the captain of the above U.S. from 200 to 3.4; Defendant B is responsible for the above maintenance and repair of the vessel; and Defendant B is responsible for the operation and management of the vessel from 200 to 100 to 200 to 200 to 4.0 to 10 to 20 to 20 to 20 to 31 to 20 to m.5 to 20.