(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2018.04.03 2017나85193



1. The plaintiff's appeal is dismissed.

2. The costs of appeal shall be borne by the Plaintiff.

Purport of claim and appeal



1. The circumstances leading to the instant accident are as follows.

사고 당시 보험관계 원고 피보험차량 피고 피보험차량 A B 일시 2017. 9. 1. 15:50경 장소 경기 가평군 설악면 방일리 방일리버스정류장 앞 횡단보도 인근 충돌상황 ㅓ자형태의 교차로 중 이면도로인 소로에서 원고 피보험 차량이 우회전 중 대로인 편도 1차로에서 좌회전 중이던 피고 피보험차량과 충격 보험금지급액 1,469,800원 담보 자기차량손해 피보험자 자기부담금 200,000원 [ 인정근거 ] 다툼 없는 사실, 갑 제1 내지 11호증, 을 제1 내지 4호증의 각 기재 및 영상, 변론 전체의 취지

2. The Plaintiff asserts that the instant accident occurred due to the unilateral negligence of the Defendant’s insured vehicle driver, and sought the full amount of the insurance money paid by the Plaintiff, and damages for delay from the day following the final payment date.

First, I examine the argument that the negligence of the driver of the defendant insured vehicle is 100%.

The driver of a motor vehicle who intends to enter an intersection where the above recognition facts and the record revealed, the background of the accident, the degree of collision and shock, the degree of traffic congestion, the driver of a motor vehicle who does not regulate the traffic, shall slowly drive the motor vehicle if the width of the intersection is wider than that of the road where the motor vehicle is traveling, and when there are other motor vehicles who intend to drive the intersection from the road where the width is wider, the driver shall yield the course to the other motor vehicle (Article 26(2) of the Road Traffic Act). However, the motor vehicle of the motor vehicle of the motor vehicle of the motor vehicle of the motor vehicle of the motor vehicle of the motor vehicle of the motor vehicle of the motor vehicle of the motor vehicle of the motor vehicle of the motor vehicle of the motor vehicle of the motor vehicle of the motor vehicle of the motor vehicle of the motor vehicle of the motor vehicle of the motor vehicle of the motor vehicle of the motor vehicle of the motor vehicle of the motor vehicle of the motor vehicle of the vehicle of the motor vehicle of the motor vehicle of the motor vehicle