(영문) 수원지방법원 안산지원 2016.03.23 2015고단2840



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than eight months.

Of the facts charged in the instant case, the prosecution against the violation of the Road Traffic Act is against each other.


Punishment of the crime

1. On February 22, 2015, the Defendant violated the Road Traffic Act (drinking driving), the Road Traffic Act (dless driving), and the Guarantee of Automobile Compensation Act (drawing driving) driving a vehicle with approximately 3 km from the three-meter distance in front of the apartment house of the 88 elbow village head of Sincheon-ro 45-ro, Man-ro, Man-ro, Man-ro, Man-dong, which was not covered by mandatory insurance under the influence of alcohol content 0.081% under the influence of a vehicle’s driver’s license on February 22, 2015.

2. On February 22, 2015, the Defendant violated the Act on the Aggravated Punishment, etc. of Specific Crimes (i.e., an escape vehicle) and the Road Traffic Act (i.e., an accident) (ii., an act of violation of the Road Traffic Act), as indicated in paragraph (1) around 00:04, while driving a Dratf motor vehicle, the front distance of the Dratf motor vehicle in front of the 88 blue village apartment in the Gu-ro 88 blue-ro from the long distance towards the private distance of agricultural and fishery products from the long distance

Despite the duty of care to thoroughly operate the steering system at the front time and prevent the accident due to the night and the signal waiting vehicle at the front time, the driver of the motor vehicle has to thoroughly operate the brake system at the front time, and even though there was a duty of care to prevent the accident due to the accurate operation of the brake system, the defendant was placed in front of the motor vehicle that was parked in the front at the front time, and the part that was left behind the right side of the victim E driver of the motor vehicle that was parked in the front at the front time, and the defendant was placed in front of the motor vehicle that was parked in the front at the lower time, and later, the victim G driver's Hless left-hand side of the motor vehicle that was parked in the front at the second time and parked in the signal at around three weeks, and the victim was able to suffer a confectionion in the light and the need to treat the victim E for about two weeks in the motor vehicle driven by the victim, and at the same time, damage the victim's repair cost, 3.13, 1088 won and 7.7