(영문) 부산지방법원 서부지원 2018.07.10 2017가단6847



1. The plaintiff's claims against the defendants are all dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.


1. The following facts may be found either in dispute between the parties or in accordance with Gap evidence Nos. 1, 4-1 and 2, Eul evidence No. 1 and 2, and Eul evidence No. 2-1 and 2, respectively:

In around 2016, the Plaintiff was awarded a contract with Defendant B to perform the interior works of the penta Corporation (E-electric house and grass Corporation) located in C in Pyang-si.

B. On July 25, 2016, Defendant B prepared a supply contract for G site and ground buildings (the sale price of KRW 290 million) with the Plaintiff and Nonparty F, who was designated by the Plaintiff, one unit of the above pention (However, the seller’s name was the Defendant C at the time of the sale) and borrowed KRW 150 million from the Plaintiff as security.

C. On August 29, 2016, the Plaintiff and Defendant B drafted a supply contract again on H site and ground buildings (the sale price is the same as KRW 290 million, the buyer is the same as the Plaintiff and F, but the seller is the same as the owner of the said site at the time) on which August 29, 2016, the Plaintiff and Defendant B decided to substitute the sale price for the payment of the said KRW 150 million as well as the construction price in the above pent B Dong and C Dong, and completed the registration of ownership transfer and the registration of ownership preservation on the said building in the future of the Plaintiff and F.

2. Determination

A. As to the claim against Defendant B, the Plaintiff asserts to the effect that: (a) the amount to be received from Defendant B is KRW 160 million; (b) loan KRW 150 million; (c) loan KRW 150 million; and (d) KRW 8.3 million; and (c) the above pentine is calculated as payment in kind equivalent to KRW 280 million; and (d) Defendant B is liable to pay the Plaintiff the amount of KRW 38.3 million (i.e., KRW 318.3 million - KRW 280 million) and delay damages therefrom.

The plaintiff lent KRW 150 million to the defendant B on July 25, 2016, as seen earlier, but according to the statement in Eul evidence 3-1.