(영문) 수원지방법원안양지원 2015.04.30 2014가합102109



1. The plaintiffs' claims are dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit are assessed against the plaintiffs.


Basic facts are as follows: Construction of the Defendant’s tender announcement - The name of the construction project: B Day in the New City - the scale of the facility: capacity of 50 tons: the area: 13,16 square meters: the construction budget: 26,013,00,000 (including value-added tax): the construction period: 28 months from the commencement date of the construction: the basic design: the construction period: 70 days from the date of the site site entry; the design period is 90 days from the date of the notification of the selection of the person qualified for the design: the package deal tender; the competitive bid by the prior examination of the participation in the contract; the matters subject to the regional compulsory contract - the tender tender price at the time of the site entry; the Defendant’s tender-related guidelines (the “written bid bond for the construction project”; the standards for prior examination of the participation in the construction project; the standards for participation in the construction project; and the construction project site development project (the “detailed project site development project”).

(hereinafter “instant bid.” The Defendant held the site site site conference on January 18, 2013, and included the participants in the bidding report for construction works, the “written request for construction works,” the “written request for special compensation for construction works” (hereinafter “instant special compensation”), and the “general terms and conditions of construction contracts, etc.”.