(영문) 서울서부지방법원 2019.07.09 2019가단202651



1. Each of the plaintiffs' claims against the defendant are dismissed.

2. The defendant shall enter the plaintiff's successor in the annexed list No. 1.


1. Facts of recognition;

가. 원고들은 별지1 목록 기재 부동산을 원고 A은 15/42, 원고 B은 5/42, 원고 C, D은 각 11/42지분으로 공유하던 중, 2011. 9. 28. 피고에게 그 중 별지2 도면 표시 ㉠㉡㉢㉣㉠의 각 점을 순차로 연결한 선내 (가)부분 40㎡(이하 ‘이 사건 점포’라 한다)를 임대차보증금 6400만 원, 월차임 77만 원, 임대차기간 2011. 9. 28.부터 2012. 9. 27.까지로 정하여 임대(이하 ‘이 사건 임대차계약’이라 한다)하였다가, 이 사건 임대차계약을 갱신하면서 월차임을 2,145,000원(부가가치세 포함)으로 증액하였다.

B. The instant lease agreement terminated on September 27, 2018 by notifying the Defendant of the refusal of renewal.

C. Meanwhile, on February 27, 2019, the Plaintiffs completed the registration of ownership transfer on February 7, 2018 with respect to the real estate listed in the separate sheet No. 1 list to G Co., Ltd., and G Co., Ltd. entered into an agreement with the Plaintiff’s succeeding intervenor on February 26, 2019, and completed the registration of ownership transfer with respect to the real estate listed in the separate sheet No. 1 list to the Plaintiff’s succeeding intervenor on February 26, 2019.

[Ground for recognition] Unsatisfy

2. Determination:

A. According to the above facts, the Defendant is obligated to deliver the instant store to the Intervenor succeeding to the status of the Plaintiff, and to pay unjust enrichment equivalent to the rent calculated by the ratio of KRW 2,145,000 per month from September 28, 2018 to the completion date of delivery of the instant store from September 28, 2018, the following day after the termination date of the lease contract.

B. Meanwhile, since the plaintiffs sold the real estate listed in the separate sheet No. 1 to G, and the corporation G entrusted the real estate listed in the separate sheet No. 1 to the plaintiff succeeding intervenor, the plaintiff's transfer and delivery of the instant store to the defendant, premised on the status of the lessor remains in the plaintiffs.