(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2016.09.23 2015가단5026453



1. The Plaintiff (Counterclaim Defendant) paid KRW 10,685,00 to the Defendant (Counterclaim Plaintiff) for KRW 10,685,00 and the amount from April 1, 2014 to June 7, 2016.


A principal lawsuit and a counterclaim shall be deemed simultaneously.

1. Basic facts

A. The Plaintiff established a trade name or company B, and engaged in an advertising agency business. From around 2013, the Plaintiff registered its business under the name of his/her spouse C and runs a service business, such as an advertising agency business under the trade name of “D” (the Defendant, while claiming that the transaction party C was a party, withdrawn his/her claim on the sixth day for pleading immediately after the counterclaim was filed), and the Defendant is a company engaging in advertising production, agency business, etc.

나. 원고는 2008년경부터 2013년경까지 광고주인 주식회사 웰뷰텍(이하, ‘주식회사’ 표시 생략)으로부터 여러 차례에 걸쳐 광고의 제작 및 매체 게재를 수주하여 왔다.

다. 원고(C 명의로)와 웰뷰텍은 2013. 2.경 원고가 웰뷰텍의 안마기계 ‘E’에 대한 광고를 제작하여 이를 2013. 4.부터 2014. 3.까지 월간잡지인 F매거진의 ‘G’, H의 ‘I’에 게재하는 내용의 광고대행계약을 체결하였다.

The agreed production costs and advertising fees are as listed in the following table:

G 3,850,00 won in total in 12 times 12 times 12.42,350,000 won in 13,30,000 won in 12 times 12 times 15,40,000 won in 15,40,000 won in 15,40,000 won in 15,40,000 won in each time.

라. 원고는 웰뷰텍의 광고 제작 및 매체 게재 업무를 다른 업체에 하도급 주기로 하고, 구두로 피고와 사이에 피고가 위 광고 제작 및 매체 게재 업무를 대행하는 내용의 광고대대행계약(이하, ‘이 사건 계약’이라고 한다)을 체결하였다.

E. The Defendant produced an advertisement under the instant contract and posted the advertisement in each of the above media.

F. Tax invoices and monetary payment details issued in relation to the instant contract between the Plaintiff and the Defendant are about KRW 92,40,000 for the advertising agency services provided by the Defendant to the Plaintiff, and about the brokerage services provided by the Plaintiff to the Defendant.