(영문) 서울북부지방법원 2017.10.12 2017고단3522



The punishment of a defendant shall be ten months.


Punishment of the crime

In order to stabilize the residence of homeless workers with the national housing fund as financial resources, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport has operated the system of lending of pre-paid housing loans to workers with interest rate lower than the market interest rate (the change to the financing of pre-paid funds on January 2015, 201) by providing only relevant documents such as a certificate of employment without any special security, receipt of source collection of earned income, and a lease contract with fixed date, etc.

The act of fraud of lending employee's loan on a deposit basis can be easily loaned to the financial institution that was entrusted with the business of lending employee's loan on a deposit basis without establishing a pledge right when it submits only relevant documents and documents related to the lending employee's employment to the financial institution that was entrusted with the business of lending employee loan on a deposit basis. The lessor has no obligation to deposit the loan to the financial institution when it refunds the deposit on a deposit basis at maturity. In doing so, the lessor has made false documents related to the lending, such as a certificate of employment, detailed statement of payment, certificate of collection of income tax, etc. under the name of the disguised company as if the person under the name of the lending employee was employed by the lending applicant, and made a false document related to the lease, such as a lease contract, receipt deposit, etc. with the fixed date as if the lessor had concluded the lease contract on the house owned by the false lessor, and then has the false lessee submit false documents to the financial institution and distribute the loan received by making an application for

The Defendant is a person who takes charge of forgery of relevant documents, such as false lessee, lessor C, husband of C, debt of C with false lessor recruitment, debt of F with false lessor recruitment, debt of loan of loan of loan of loan of loan of loan of loan of loan of loan of loan of loan of loan of loan of loan of loan of loan of loan of loan of loan of loan of loan of loan of loan of the Daegu-gu area, and false lessee's employment certificate

The defendant on September 2014.