(영문) 서울행정법원 2018.02.01 2017구합55213



1. The plaintiff's claim is dismissed.

2. The costs of the lawsuit, including the part resulting from the supplementary participation, are all the Plaintiff.


(b)the right to expect renewals is recognized;

C) Considering that the evaluation of the performance of the Intervenor’s Intervenor’s work performance had been conducted arbitrarily according to the supervision of the evaluators, and that the Intervenor refused to renew the Intervenor’s secondary employment contract by presenting significantly unfavorable working conditions at the time of the Plaintiff’s proposal to convert into a regular position, there is no reasonable ground to refuse to renew the Plaintiff’s secondary employment contract. (B) The Plaintiff published a public notice for the recruitment of a professional staff member on February 24, 2012, including the following:

(hereinafter “Public Notice of Employment”). 2. Main duties and qualifications to be in charge of the qualifications [1]

5. After performing the first one-year contract for employment conditions, the excellent person as a result of performance evaluation may be employed as a three-year contract extension or a full-time contract extension.

[Attachment 1] Employees of the Overseas Business Development Agency (Class 3, 4, and 5) of the Korea Overseas Business Development Agency (Grade 3, 5) who have major qualifications for main duties and support and who have abundant experience in cooperation with two or more overseas agencies related to the development and operation of overseas projects, development of strategies and implementation of overseas projects, and overseas projects (in the fields of design, construction, equipment, etc.), persons who have extensive experience in or knowledge of overseas business risk management (in the fields of design, construction, equipment, etc.), persons who have extensive experience in or knowledge of overseas business risk management (one person in Spanish, one person in Spanish), Africa, and one person who is recognized to have qualifications or capabilities equivalent to those of the above subparagraphs in the language (one person in Spanish, one person in Spanish), and the Plaintiff entered into an employment contract between the Plaintiff and the Plaintiff on May 7, 2012 and the Plaintiff on May 16, 2013; and the Plaintiff entered into an evaluation of work performance under the employment contract as the standard of Grade 16.