(영문) 울산지방법원 2020.04.09 2019고단4059



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one year and six months.

Seized evidence Nos. 1, 2, and 3 shall be confiscated from the accused.


Punishment of the crime

[2019 Highest 4059] The crime organization of telephone financial fraud (one scamscam) consists of a total amount of liability, a person who assumes the responsibility of investigative agency and financial institution and makes a false phone call to the victims, a withdrawal of the amount of damage, a delivery book which receives money from the above withdrawal book and delivers it to other staff of the criminal organization, a monitoring device that takes the role of searching the scene prior to arrival of the scene and monitoring the escape of money, and a cash remittance book that plays the role of remitting money to the overseas by means of the law such as restitution of money.

On September 20, 2019, as a member of the telephone financial fraud organization, a person in poor name ("B"," "C") conspired with non-offenders to block the crime of telephone financial fraud. Around September 20, 2019, the defendant solicited the defendant to transfer the amount of damage to his/her designated account after receiving cash from the name-definites, etc., and the defendant, in response thereto, intended to receive the amount of damage from the victim arrested by the telephone financial fraud assistance staff, and to receive the amount of damage from the victim, and transfer it to the designated account to the designated account, and the defendant was granted by telephone from the name-definite, but the defendant was given the position of "the head of the D department" by the name-definite, but there was no "D" to confirm whether the above company actually exists, and the address of the company engaging in any business, and the name-definites did not disclose the name of the defendant or his/her identity each time the name-definites are named customers, and did not disclose the statement.