(영문) 과세기간종료일(92.12.31)현재 쟁점토지상에 지상건축물이 존재하지 않는 나대지라 하여 유휴토지로 판정한 처분의 당부 (취소)

조세심판원 조세심판 | 국심1994경2692 | 기타 | 1994-07-25

[Case Number]

Gyeonggi2692, July 25, 1994


Excess of land

[Types of Decision]


[Summary of Decision]

(of no content)


The disposition of imposition of KRW 11,183,740, which the director of the tax office of the same orchard decided and notified on November 8, 93.1 through December 31, 92, shall be revoked.


(of no content)