(영문) 수원지방법원 성남지원 2018.01.23 2017가합406407

임시총회결의무효확인 등


1. All of the plaintiff's claims are dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.


Basic Facts

The defendant is a housing reconstruction project partnership that implements a housing reconstruction project by setting up the family members of the Si of Sungnam-si as the project implementation district, and the plaintiff is a member of the defendant's association.

The Defendant of the first general meeting of this case held the first general meeting of this case as follows, and resolved on each agenda item.

On May 6, 2017: D agenda items 1 (case of approval for the performance of the association's affairs, including the selection of collaborative companies and trends of the contract), 2 (case of approval for the modification of the management and disposition plan), 4 (case of approval for the modification of the management and disposition plan), 5 (case of modification of the basic relocation expenses, association members and advance payment union members and the method of payment reduction of the contributions), 6 (case of modification of the method of payment), 7 (case of approval for the modification of the implementation plan of annual funds in 2017), 8 (case of approval for the modification of the implementation plan of annual funds in 2017), 7 (case of approval for the alteration of the property tax of the Association, 77 parks notified of E commercial building, 9 (case of short of the allocation of stocks and conversion of property tax), 10 (case of the appointment of directors), 11 (case of the general meeting), 2 (case of appointment of directors), 10 (case of the general meeting), 20 (case of this case), and new method of resolution of appointment of the board of representatives

Temporary date: Place 18: D agenda items 1 (cases of approval for the performance of the duties of the association - the selection of collaborative companies and the trend of the contract), 2 (cases of approval for the execution of management expenses, such as the long-term repair appropriations), 3 (cases of change in the method of payment of interest on reduction and early payment of moving expenses of at least 50,000 won to the association member who has not received the basic moving expenses, and the relocation expenses of at least 50,000 won), 4 (cases of change in the method of payment of interest on reduction and early payment of moving expenses), 5, 6 (cases of change in the business execution plan), 7 (cases of change in the business execution plan), 7-1 (cases of approval for the annual implementation plan for moving expenses), 7-1 (cases of change in the business execution plan), 2017).