(영문) 부산지방법원 2006.8.29.선고 2006고합346 판결



206Gohap346 Violation of the Public Official Election Act


00 (Omission of Resident Registration Number) 00 Gu Council members

Residence and Entry of Permanent Domicile



Defense Counsel

Attorney Dog-sung

Imposition of Judgment

August 29, 2006


Defendant shall be punished by a fine of KRW 800,000. Where the Defendant does not pay the above fine, the Defendant shall be confined in a workhouse for a period calculated by converting 50,000 won into one day.


Criminal facts

피고인은 제4회 동시지방선거에서 부산 ○○구 ○' 선거구에 구의원으로 출마하여 당선된 자인바, 지방의회의원 등은 당해 선거구 안에 있는 자나 기관·단체·시설 또는 당해 선거구의 밖에 있더라도 그 선거구민과 연고가 있는 자나 기관·단체·시설에 금전 물품 기타 재산상 이익의 제공, 이익 제공의 의사표시 또는 그 제공을 약속하여서는 아니됨에도 불구하고, 2006.2.9.오전경 피고인의 선거구 관내인 부산 ○○구 ○○동장인 ◎◎◎으로부터 “○○동 새마을부녀회원 등과 함께 점심식사를 하기로 하였다”는 말을 듣고, ◎◎◎에게 “내가 점심을 사겠다”고 한 후, 같은 날 12:00경 부산 ○○구 △△동 소재 ◇' 식당에서, 관내 선거구민과 연고가 있는 자인 ◎◎◎ 및 ◎◎◎으로부터 연락을 받고 참석한 동사무소 직원 ▷▷▷, 관내 선거구민인 ○○동 새마을부녀회 회장 ▽▽▽, 새마을부녀회 총무 @@@, 같은 동 한국자유총연맹 여성회장 ○○○, 같은 동 바르게살 기운동위원회 여성 회장 ♤♤♤ 등 6명에게 1인당 5,000원 합계 30,000원 상당의 ◇◇을 제공하여 기부행위를 하였다.

Summary of Evidence

1. Defendant's legal statement;

1. 피고인에 대한 검찰 피의자신문조서(②0⑥의 진술기재 부분 포함)의 진술기재 1.☆☆☆,▷▷▷,@@@,♤♤♤,▽▽▽에 대한 각 경찰진술조서의 각 진술 기재

Application of Statutes

1. Article relevant to the facts constituting an offense and the selection of punishment;

Article 257(1)1 and Article 113(1) of the Public Official Election Act (Selection of Fines)

1. Detention in a workhouse;

The Defendant’s crime of this case for the reason of sentencing Articles 70 and 69(2) of the Criminal Act is that at the time of the crime of this case, the Defendant, who wishes to be a candidate in the fourth simultaneous local election, provided the electorate or a person related to the electorate, with an awareness of fact-finding. The above act of donation is likely to impair the fairness of the election and encourage the election of the electorate. Thus, it cannot be said that the nature of the crime is light.

However, in order for the defendant who had been a Gu council member at the time to sell rice liquor to local residents and to encourage senior citizens such as the senior citizens' clubs, etc. to visit the country with poor profits, there are points to be taken into account in the motive. The fact that the defendant, who had been a Gu council member at the time, was in charge of providing 30,000 won per capita, the total amount of 5,000 won per capita, the talk about the election at the time of meal, or the support for the defendant was not claimed, and there was no history that the defendant had been sentenced to a fine of 5,00,000 won for the election day at a time of meal, as a violation of the Public Official Election Act around 204, the defendant was sentenced to a fine of 50,000 won for the crime of violation of the Public Official Election Act, but the criminal facts at the time were reported as election campaign workers by the defendant who was a member of the Residents' Self-Governing Committee at the time, the defendant's age and condition of the crime of this case are divided.


The presiding judge, the deputy judge;

Judges Kim Gin-soo

Name of judge Class;