(영문) 의정부지방법원고양지원 2015.11.13 2015가단9380



1. The defendant shall pay to the plaintiff (appointed party) KRW 6,00,000, KRW 5,000, KRW 200, and KRW 4,500, respectively, and KRW 4,500 to the Appointed D.


In full view of the purport of the arguments in Gap 1 and 2, the plaintiff (Appointed Party) and the appointed party B, C, D, and E are the defendant's workers and retired from office (the plaintiff (Appointed Party), the appointed party B, C, and E are each retired on March 27, 2014, and the appointed party D are each retired on March 18, 2014, and the plaintiff (Appointed Party) shall be 6,000,000, 5,000, 5,000, 5,000, 4,000, 2,05,000, and 2,9,000,000 won were not paid to the plaintiff (Appointed Party) from the next day to the 2,905,000 won, 2,000,0000 won, 3,000,0000 won per annum from the next day to the 2,505,000,0000 won per annum, 1,204,005.

If so, all claims of the plaintiff (appointed party) and the designated parties shall be accepted on the ground of the reasons, and it is so decided as per Disposition.
