(영문) 대구지방법원 포항지원 2018.08.14 2017가단6618



1. The defendant shall pay KRW 5,000,000 to the plaintiff.

2. The plaintiff's remaining claims are dismissed.

3. One of the costs of lawsuit;


1. Around October 2016, the Plaintiff started living together with the Defendant from around December 2016.

The plaintiff was pregnant on March 2017, and around August 2017, the plaintiff performed a abortion operation.

[Ground of recognition] Facts without dispute, purport of whole pleading

2. The plaintiff's assertion that the plaintiff had no intention to marry from the beginning, and was allowed to live together as if he had been married. During the process, the defendant had been pregnant and pregnant. The defendant suffered property damage incurred by the plaintiff due to the above tort, which the defendant obtained a loan under the plaintiff's name for living expenses. The plaintiff claimed that the plaintiff had a savings bank, savings bank, and the money borrowed from RusWn Capital, total amount of KRW 9,164,698, ② the defendant had the plaintiff paid living expenses for the plaintiff, ② the defendant paid 600,000, ③ the living expenses paid from the plaintiff's account, ③ the defendant paid 1,726,892, ④ the defendant's mobile phone stolen and used the defendant's mobile phone, ④ the defendant's mother paid 80,000,000 won with the plaintiff's mobile phone's mobile phone, ⑤ the defendant's total amount of KRW 160,360,81,298,296,2000,5,200.

3. Each of the evidence presented by the Plaintiff that the Defendant had no intention to marry from the beginning, thereby living together with the Plaintiff as if he were to marry.

or due to the defendant's above act, the plaintiff paid each of the above costs against his will.

or the Plaintiff’s mother’s content user fee paid.