(영문) 대구지방법원 2016.06.01 2015나310078



1. Of the judgment of the first instance court, 34,731,129 won, 20,892,219 won and each of them against the Defendant A, respectively.


1. Occurrence of liability for damages;

가. 인정사실 1) D은 2014. 8. 14. 22:10경 E 체어맨 승용차를 운전하여 대구 서구 F에 있는 G 앞 편도 1차로의 주택가 이면도로를 퀸스로드 방면에서 모닝마트 방면으로 진행하고 있었다. 2) 위 도로는 황색 점선의 중앙선이 설치되어 있고, 양쪽 가장자리에는 황색 점선 밖으로 갓길이 설치되어 있었는데, D이 진행하던 차로의 전방에 H 소유의 I 11톤 화물차(이하 ‘피고 차량’이라 한다)가 역방향으로 갓길에서부터 차로의 절반 정도까지 침범하여 주차되어 있었다.

3) D did not avoid the Defendant vehicle, and the front part of the Defendant vehicle conflicts with the front part of the Defendant vehicle’s right-hand side, and subsequently, the front part of the J1 ton cargo vehicle parked on the rear side of the opposite vehicle, which was parked on the side of the opposite vehicle, re-convened into the left-hand side of the said vehicle, and accordingly, died on August 17, 2014 at a multi-surted long-term phase (hereinafter “instant accident”).

4) Plaintiff A is the husband of the network D (hereinafter “the deceased”), and Plaintiff B and C are the children of the deceased, and the Defendant is a mutual aid business entity that entered into a mutual aid agreement with the Defendant’s vehicle.

[Ground of recognition] Facts without dispute, Gap evidence 1 through 6, Eul evidence 1 and 2 (including paper numbers; hereinafter the same shall apply) and the purport of the whole pleadings

B. According to the above recognition of liability, it is reasonable to view that there is a proximate causal relationship between the negligence of H who illegally parked the Defendant’s vehicle on the lane without using the tail lights and sidelights at night, and the accident of this case. Thus, the Defendant is liable as a mutual aid business operator of Defendant’s vehicle to compensate for the damages suffered by the Plaintiffs, who are their bereaved family members due to the accident of this case.

C. However, according to the evidence mentioned above, the accident occurred at night at the time of the accident, but is around the scene of the accident.