(영문) 광주지방법원 2016.06.02 2016고단345



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.


Punishment of the crime

around December 23, 2013, the Defendant entered into a contract for financial lease of 500,000 won for the remainder of 230,000 won per month (LGH-130N) excluding 46,00,000 won per annum 5,791,000 won per month, on condition that 39 months be repaid in installments, 14,000 won per annum 1,50,000 won per month with the victim and 1,50,000 won per annum 2,50,000 won per annum 3,000,000 won per annum 1,50,000 won per annum 2,50,000 won per month, and entered into a contract for the remaining 1,532,450,000 won per month with the victim on condition that 1,506,000 won per annum 2,50,000 won per month.

Accordingly, the Defendant embezzled the property owned by the victim.

"2016 Highest 1009"

1. Around December 24, 2013, the Defendant concluded a lease agreement with the victim company to deposit KRW 42,00,000,000 and KRW 5,300,00,000,000,000,000,000 from the business place of the Defendant’s operation (ju) located in Gwangju Mine-gu, Gwangju, for a period of 42 months, to deposit KRW 40,00,000,000 and KRW 5,300,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000).

In accordance with the above contract, the defendant, while keeping the above shooting machine in the defendant's workplace for the victim company, has used it on November 22, 2014, he/she arbitrarily disposed of the above shooting machine at around KRW 45 million in price to the defendant's workplace (state).