(영문) 수원지방법원 성남지원 2019.07.25 2019고합93




A Imprisonment for two years, and Defendant B shall be punished by a fine of 1,500,000 won.


B does not pay a fine.


Criminal facts

1. Defendant A

A. A. Around 00:00 on April 14, 2019, the Defendant was driving a vehicle of f-hurbed lurg with a blood alcohol concentration of about KRW 0.101% in a section of about 7km from the front side of D in Seongbuk-gu, Sungnam-si, to the front side of the same day at around 00:10 on the same day.

B. On April 14, 2019, at around 00:07, the Defendant, while driving a vehicle under the influence of alcohol, began to flee by turning the vehicle to the right edge, even though he was required to stop from a policeman belonging to the G police station in front of the G department in the G department in the G department of the Gyeonggi-nam Police Agency, which is under the influence of drinking on the road located in the G department in the G department in the Sungnam-nam-si branch of the branch police station, to avoid the crackdown on drinking driving.

At around 00:08 on the same day, the Defendant stopped by the victim L, an auxiliary police officer belonging to the Gyeongginam Police Agency, the branch police station of the branch police station of the branch police station of the branch police station of the branch of the branch of the branch of the branch of the branch of the branch of the branch of the branch of the branch of the branch of the branch of the branch of the branch of the city, which was under the control of the Defendant to control the Defendant, while driving the above car at the 00:08 on the same day and driving the car at the end of the vehicle of the branch of the branch of the branch of

In the front of the left side of a motor vehicle, which is a dangerous object, the victim L had been faced with the left hand and escaped.

At around 00:09 on the same day, the Defendant was required to re-stop a vehicle from the victim L to regulate the Defendant’s drinking driving of the vehicle on the road in front of the branch office Matel in Seongbuk-gu, Sungnam-si during flight. However, the Defendant neglected this demand and proceeded as it is at the left side of the vehicle, which is a dangerous object, and led the victim L to the second shock of the safety direction bar where L was in the left hand.

Defendant runs away from approximately 100 meters.

On the same day, at around 00:10, it is operated by a passenger on the front of the hotel in the area of the Dong-gu E hotel.
