(영문) 부산지방법원 2020.12.24 2020가단7251



The Defendants jointly share the delivery of 144 square meters on the second floor among the real estate listed in the attached list from the Plaintiff.


1. Basic facts

A. Details of transfer of ownership of the real estate listed in the separate sheet 1) The real estate listed in the separate sheet 1 (hereinafter “instant building”).

F) Around January 16, 2004, G had completed the registration of ownership transfer for the instant building on November 15, 2003. (2) G died on or around November 2009. (5) Around April 5, 2011, as to the instant building, on or around the inheritance of November 20, 2009, G H’s non-resident H 3/11 shares, Defendant C, D, I, and Defendant E completed the registration of ownership transfer for each share of 2/11 shares, respectively.

3) Around November 28, 2011, D completed the registration of ownership transfer for 2/11 shares of the instant building, which were one’s own shares, based on a donation made before September 30, 201, to H around March 12, 2013; and D completed the registration of ownership transfer for 5/11 shares of H, among the instant building, due to inheritance by a division made before March 12, 2013. < Amended by Presidential Decree No. 23788, Mar. 12, 2013>

5) Thereafter, around June 17, 2013, I completed the registration of ownership transfer with respect to the portion of 7/11 of the instant building, which is one’s own share, on June 5, 2013. (b) On June 28, 2000, the Plaintiff paid KRW 55,000,000 (hereinafter “the instant leased portion”) from F for lease deposit to Defendant B for KRW 144 square meters of the instant building (hereinafter “the instant leased portion”), and from June 28, 200 to June 27, 2002 (hereinafter “the instant lease contract”). The Plaintiff paid KRW 55,00,000 to F for lease deposit.

2) Around June 28, 2000, the Plaintiff completed a move-in report with respect to the leased portion of this case, and thereafter received a delivery of the leased portion from F at that time. 3) Since then, G succeeded to the status of lessor under the instant lease agreement after January 24, 2004, the Plaintiff determined the lease deposit amount of KRW 55,00,000 between the Plaintiff and the Plaintiff and the lease period of KRW 55,00,000, and the lease period from January 24, 2004 to January 23, 2006.