(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2018.03.13 2016가단5296938



1. The plaintiff's claim is dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.


1. Under the underlying facts, the following facts do not conflict between the parties, or can be acknowledged by comprehensively taking account of the overall purport of the pleadings in each of the statements in Gap evidence 1-4, Gap evidence 1-2, Gap evidence 5-7, Gap evidence 8-1-4, Gap evidence 9, 10-1-2, Gap evidence 11-4, Gap evidence 12-1-2, Gap evidence 13-1-3, Gap evidence 14-16, and Gap evidence 14-16.

The land category was changed to a river on October 30, 1967 on the 11132 B B of the Gyeonggi-do, which was before the division, and the list of attached real estate 1 through 4 of the division and the change of administrative district and two times are still existing.

B. The PPP 809 of the PPP 201 is still in the land of the same list 5 to 10 as the changes in the administrative district and the division over three times.

C. During the Japanese occupation period, the Ministry of Land Survey of the Gyeonggi-gun, which was prepared by the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries in the Republic of Korea, stated the “F” which has an address in the “E Tong” as the owner of the B B B B B 132 and C 809 square meters before division, and as the owner of C 809 square meters before division.

The cadastral record, such as the register and the land cadastre of the same list, was destroyed due to the 6.25 incident, and the land in the list 1 remains in the state of recovery at the time of cadastral recovery. On July 3, 1996, the registration of preservation of ownership was completed in the future of the defendant under the receipt of the Nanyang District Court's receipt of the Nanyang District Court's receipt on July 3, 1996, and the list 3 and 4 were the same registration number on the same date.

Land 5, 8, 9, 10 in the same list were remaining in the state of unclaimed land by the owner. On December 16, 1995, the registration of preservation of ownership in the name of each defendant was completed under the receipt No. 74047, Dec. 16, 1995.

E. However, land listed in the same list 2, 6, and 7 (hereinafter collectively referred to as “instant land 2, 6, and 7”) was not listed in the register as to the said list 2, 6, and 7 (hereinafter collectively referred to as “instant land”).

F. Meanwhile, the Plaintiff’s high aid division G is G.