(영문) 대구지방법원 2016.06.29 2016가단4546



1. The plaintiff's claim is dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.


1. The Plaintiff’s assertion is the owner under Article 605 of the 4th, Daegu Northern-gu C Apartment-dong 4 (hereinafter “Plaintiff’s apartment complex”), and the Defendant purchased the above apartment unit owned by the Plaintiff from D on May 21, 2015, and completed the registration of ownership transfer on June 30, 2015.

(hereinafter, the above apartment owned by the Defendant (hereinafter “Defendant apartment”). Since July 2015, the Defendant’s director in the Defendant apartment, water leakage occurred from the floor of the Defendant apartment, and water leakage occurred from the Government of the Plaintiff’s apartment. Accordingly, the living room floor of the Plaintiff’s apartment was milch, and the wall and the scoke generated.

The plaintiff could not live in the plaintiff apartment due to the water leakage of the defendant apartment, and the studio in Seo-gu, Daegu is leased to 2,000,000,000, and 220,000,000,000, monthly rent.

In addition, the Defendant’s apartment complex’s water leakage costs of KRW 500,00, 510,000, 370,000, 74,000, 370,000, 74,000, 74,000, 700, 700,000, and 740,000,000 and 540,000,00,000, for the transport cost of taxi, and 74,000,00,000,000 per month prior to the occurrence of the above water. However, the Plaintiff’s apartment complex’s water leakage did not have come to a body due to the Plaintiff’s apartment complex’s water leakage, and the expenditure of KRW 6,681,500,00 is expected to have been paid for the repair work cost due to the above water leakage.

In addition, the plaintiff suffered a considerable mental pain due to the leakage of water.

Therefore, the Defendant’s total amount of KRW 36,934,00 [3,960,00 for rent = 220,00 for monthly rent x 18 months (from July 17, 2015, to January 17, 2017, “the date on which the term of the lease expires” appears to be a clerical error from January 17, 2017, which is the date on which the term of the lease expires, to January 17, 2017).