(영문) 대구지방법원 경주지원 2018.02.20 2015가단12652



1. The Defendants’ share in inheritance on the attached Form 2 of the Inheritance Shares among each real estate listed in the attached Table 1 of the Plaintiff.


1. Facts of recognition;

A. The plaintiff clan is a clan formed for the purpose of protecting the graves of his ancestor and conducting religious services by making members of AD 14 years old AE descendants, and the deceased AF (hereinafter "the deceased") is a clan member of the plaintiff clan.

B. In accordance with the title trust agreement with the Plaintiff clan, the deceased, among each real estate listed in the separate sheet No. 1 (hereinafter “each real estate of this case”) for the Plaintiff clan, the value of 245 square meters and 228 square meters of AH forests and fields prior to AH on September 10, 1913, respectively, and the value of 5,950 square meters of AI forests and fields was collected on November 23, 1928.

C. The Deceased died on September 10, 1974, and the Defendants inherited (the specific inheritance relationship is as shown in the inheritance relation list No. 3.) according to the inheritance shares listed in the inheritance shares sheet on Attached 2. / [based on recognition] / Each entry of Defendant B, N,O, and T: Defendant B, and evidence Nos. 1 through 55 (including the number of branch numbers; hereinafter the same shall apply), the court’s racing market, and the head of Mapo-gu, each fact-finding with respect to the head of the Simsan Member, and the remainder of the purport of all pleadings. The Defendants are confessions (Article 150(3) and (1) of the

2. According to the above facts of determination as to the cause of the claim, the Plaintiff clan: (a) had title trust on each of the instant real estate to the Deceased; (b) had terminated the title trust by serving a copy of the purport of the claim and the application for modification of the cause of the claim on January 16, 2018 to the Defendants, who were the deceased’s heir who succeeded to the status of the deceased; (c) the Defendants are obligated to implement the registration procedure for ownership transfer on the ground of termination of the title trust on the grounds of the claim and the delivery date of the application for modification of the cause of the claim on January 16, 2018 with respect to each of the instant real estate on the part of the Plaintiff clan.

3. It is so decided as per Disposition by the assent of all participating Justices, on the ground that each of the claims of the plaintiff in this case is reasonable.