(영문) 특허법원 2015.05.01 2014허8038



1. The plaintiff's claim is dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.


1. Basic facts

A. 1) Registration number / filing date/registration date of the instant registered design / The product subject to design registration No. 720388/ Oct. 20, 201: 20/ Oct. 201, 201; 3) a description of the design and drawings (attached Form 1 4): The Plaintiff: the design right-holder: (a) a description of the design and drawings

B. 1) Similar Design 1 (No. 4. A. / Date of Publication: No. 635438/2, February 29, 2012: C: Map 2 (No. 5, No. 1: No. 2) B-1 of the comparison Design 2 (No. 6. 1: No. 1: No. 30/No. 4 of the comparison Design : No. 1: No. 40/No. 2 of the comparison Design : No. 1: No. 50/No. 2 of the 2010: No. 30/No. 46: No. 1 of the comparison Design : No. 40/No. 2 of the 2010: No. 40/No. 26: No. 1 of the comparison Design : No. 30-No. 1 of the 2010