(영문) 의정부지방법원 2015.09.01 2015구합7178



1. The plaintiff's claim is dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.


1. Details of the disposition;

A. On March 14, 1987, the Plaintiff was appointed as a military noncommissioned officer and was in charge of the receipt and management of the meals and subsidiary meals within the unit as the 28th Information and Communications Unit B Class B management officer from May 2, 2011 to October 26, 2014.

B. On August 25, 2014, the Plaintiff was subject to disciplinary action against the Defendant for one month of salary reduction, and the main contents indicated in the disciplinary action are as follows.

1. Title of disciplinary action:

(a) Breach of duty to maintain dignity (Assault, threat, defamation, insult);

(b) Breach of duty in good faith;

2. 징계대상사실 : 징계혐의자는 소속대 급양관리관으로 근무하는 자인바, 2014. 7. 31. 16:06경 지휘통제실에서 일병 C과 전화통화 중 “출동인원들 다 복귀하였냐 ”라고 묻자, 일병 C이 출동을 칠종으로 잘못 알아듣고, “칠종 말씀이십니까 ”라고 되묻자 “씨발 새끼가 칠종이 어딨어 상황병이라는 놈이 그런 것도 몰라 ”라고 하며 전화를 끊었으며, 2013. 7. ~ 2014. 8. 사이에 병장 D과 상병 E, F 등 운전병과 1종 계원에게 부식수령 간 부식수령 임무를 위임한 채 자신은 휴게실에서 차를 마시고 정작 부식차량 운전병인 병장 D이 부족하게 수령하는 실수라도 하면 그 책임을 전가하였으며, 상병 F에게 영내식사공제(간부), 증식비 집행, 취사기구 유지비 집행 등 계획에서 결과까지 업무를 시켰으며, 결과가 좋지 않으면 “징계 하겠다”, “영창 보내겠다”라고 겁을 주며 협박하였다.

This is a violation of the duty to maintain dignity, such as abusive language, abusive language, abusive language, and intimidation, and delegation of the duty to receive food care to sick soldiers, and the occurrence of the problem, it violated the duty to maintain dignity by transferring the responsibility to sick soldiers.

3. Grounds for a disposition: The grounds for disciplinary action shall be recognized in accordance with Article 120 of the Army Regulations.

C. Accordingly, the Plaintiff filed an appeal against the above disciplinary action on September 24, 2014, and the head of the 28th Military Service Corps shall be the head of the 28th Military Service.