(영문) 광주지방법원 목포지원 2015.04.24 2014고단1035




A shall be punished by imprisonment for six months, by a fine of 2,00,000 won.


B The above fine.


Punishment of the crime

1. The Defendants’ co-principaled Defendants reported an advertisement that they want to get a child at E main points operated by the victim D due to their own scambling, and conspired to do so without actually performing their duties after receiving a prepaid payment from the victim.

around 16:00 on July 6, 2010, the Defendants made a false statement to the effect that “the Defendants will work from the above E week operated by the victim to the monthly employee on the face of KRW 8 million in advance payment to the Defendant.”

However, even if the Defendants received the advance payment from the victim, they did not have the intent or ability to perform the work at the above E-ray.

The Defendants conspired to induce the victim as above and received 7 million won from the national bank account in the name of the Defendant A under the pretext of advance payment from the victim around that time.

2. Defendant A

A. On October 9, 2010, the defrauded made a false statement to the effect that “the Defendant would work in I.C. 6,500,000 won in advance payment,” from the Defendant’s friendship house located in Gwangju Northern-gu, Gwangju Northern-gu, to the effect that “the Defendant would work in I.C. Dock in the cultivation of Gyeongnam-gu in the face of 6,500 won in advance payment.”

However, even if the defendant receives the advance payment from the victim, the defendant did not have the intention or ability to perform the work in the first place.

On October 10, 2010, the Defendant, by deceiving the victim as above, received 5.7 million won in total from the J’s account under the name of J as a prepaid deposit and 8.5 million won in total from the Defendant’s account under the name of the Defendant.

B. On November 21, 2012, the defrauded made a false statement to the effect that “the Defendant would work as an employee at the above M entertainment tavern in front of the 12 million won with a advance payment,” from the victim L, which was operated by the victim L, who was located in Hanam-gun, Jeonnam-do, to the effect that “the Defendant would work as an employee at the above M entertainment tavern in front of the 12 million won with a advance payment.”

However, even if the defendant receives a prepaid payment from the victim, the defendant did not have the intention or ability to work as an employee of the above M entertainment tavern.

The defendant.